TyEisha L. Lawson

Steering Committee Member / Head of Media and Communications

The First in her family to graduate from university, TyEisha Lawson is a Mental Health Therapist with extensive knowledge of mental health conditions and the impact of racism.

An awe-inspiring young Black woman from a long generation of African American doers, she strongly believes that colored people are far more likely to experience negative life events such as poverty, unemployment, or incarceration (not exclusively). According to TyEisha, this daily but overlooked subtler forms of racism like financial institutions less likely to grant you credit or charge much more for doing so; the security guard who follows you around the store because of the color of your skin; the police officer who stop and search you without cause; the business that denies you service; the boss who overlooks you for promotion; the white person who cross the street when you approach, avoid sitting next to you on the bus, or hold their bags tighter when you step into an elevator - can take a serious toll on our mental health, increasing the risk for depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, and substance abuse.

Though obscure in her labor, TyEisha’s unique approach in strengthening resilience and protecting mental health is not only forging a path toward progress but helping to shape local communities and make the world a better place for all.

Mindful of the sacrifices borne by her ancestors, and humbled by the enormous task before her, TyEisha became a Mental Health Therapist/ trauma specialist and strategist to help people especially descendants of victims of historical crimes who are struggling with various mental health issues. According to her, racism is a mental health issue because racism causes trauma and trauma paints a direct line to mental illnesses, which need to be taken seriously.

Before becoming a Mental Health Therapist, TyEisha was a Certified School Counselor with the Houston Independent School District where she played a vital role in supporting students' academic, career, and personal development. She also provided individualized guidance to help students create academic plans, navigate career choices, and address personal challenges.

Previously, TyEisha served as a research fellow at the prestigious McNair Scholar Program of Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi, where she helped undergraduate students gain research experience and prepare for higher education. At the McNair Scholar Program, she also developed research skills that greatly contributed towards her academic enrichment - leading to presentations at various conferences.

A passionate advocate for racial healing, TyEisha is a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Houston Chapter, member of the American School Counselor Association, former Chi Sigma Iota Vice President, served on the TAMUCC Alumni Association Board and former President of the Houston Alumni Chapter.

TyEisha brings to the Steering Committee a deep knowledge of the different ways to appropriately respond to historical crimes and address the trauma of racism from a mental health perspective.

As UNCM Head of Media and Public Engagement, TyEisha is responsible for the development and distribution of media coverage (media pitches, press releases, op-eds, briefings), organizational outreach, executive advocacy and speaking engagements (not exclusively).

She holds a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University, and a Master of Education in Counseling from Texas Southern University.